The last twelve months made me soft. Since Australia’s COVID-19 story began in January 2020, my sphere of physical activity deflated while my belly ran to fat.
Continue reading “Your Mind Will Carry You When Your Feet Fail”Writer ✏ Editor 👓 Photographer 📷
The last twelve months made me soft. Since Australia’s COVID-19 story began in January 2020, my sphere of physical activity deflated while my belly ran to fat.
Continue reading “Your Mind Will Carry You When Your Feet Fail”I joined Oscar Venhuis of the Disrupters Asia webcast to discuss the mindset I want to bring to 2021.
Continue reading “New Habits to Fight Daily Distraction”I was 18 years old when I used a can opener to remove the lid from my swollen money tin. It was in the shape of a giant beer can. A generous pile of silver and gold coins foamed out with a pleasant metallic fizz.
Continue reading “Fun on The High Seas”I believe we are the most frightened generation of people to ever walk the face of the earth.
Continue reading “Creativity Is Not Frightened of Connectivity”Outside, the sky is crystal blue, birds are singing, and I feel great. It’s a shame I’m inside writing such a heavy blog to bring the mood down. I can’t help it though. I feel compelled to do so.
Continue reading “Pain and Hurt Are Fuel to Take You Far”My appearance on the Disrupters Asia live webcast was a lot of fun. The show host, Oscar Venhuis, likes to challenge his guests and he did not let me off the hook.
Continue reading “Your Authentic Self Wants to Be Heard”“When you have a creative mind, you are never bored.” My podcast guest, Oscar Venhuis dropped that gem in our conversation. Oscar is the CEO of EQ Lab in Hong Kong and he is deeply interested in “extending the intelligence” of organizations.
Continue reading “When You Have A Creative Mind, You Are Never Bored”Creative people are hard to hire because the hiring process struggles to identify them.
Continue reading “Creative People Are Hard to Hire”I’m seriously burnt out on the eternal Blue vs Red battle. It’s a conflict as fake and unhealthy as the struggle between Coke and Pepsi in the 1980s.
Continue reading “The Politics of Blue vs Red”When was the last time you had an unscheduled conversation with an acquaintance? In my case, they are now rare. Which is sad.
Continue reading “Casual Conversations Are Essential Like Vitamins”