Can you manage your life to be risk free? The narrative around coronavirus has convinced many of us we can.
Continue reading “Should We Stop Living Our Lives to Be Risk Free?”Writer ✏ Editor 👓 Photographer 📷
Can you manage your life to be risk free? The narrative around coronavirus has convinced many of us we can.
Continue reading “Should We Stop Living Our Lives to Be Risk Free?”My greatest struggle is the decision to adopt a new habit. Whether it be rising from bed an hour earlier, exercising every day, or writing a new blog post once a week… it’s damn hard to do.
Continue reading “Cold Showers Are Awful”Kayleigh Nicole Grant joins me in this week’s episode to discuss what creating her dream life means and the healing power of the ocean.
Continue reading “Kayleigh’s Dream Life Includes Sharks”This is a fun discussion. I relive the better parts of my childhood with my friend and colleague, Phid McAwesome. We go deep into the alluring power of nostalgia and classic video games. Also, Phid makes a shock confession about the 90s sitcom, Friends.
Continue reading “Listen to Us Go Deep into Video Games and Nostalgia”Why do we find it so hard to say what we mean? My work colleague, Ryan Stott, and I try to get to the bottom of why we struggle to communicate.
Continue reading “Be Bold and Honest”I was recently asked if I have a defined purpose. The question cut through me like a cold wind passing through an abandoned building. I looked inside myself and found… nothing.
Continue reading “It’s Time to Get Brutally Honest About Purpose”Machines do not come up with ideas. They can filter massive amounts of data to identify patterns but that is not the same as imagination. The creative spark that gives birth to ideas resides within the organic.
Continue reading “Good Ideas Are Between the Cracks”It is a terrible crime to keep a podcast microphone confined in a box and locked up in the garage. So, today I renounce my criminal ways and restart my podcast on what I intend to be a weekly schedule.
Continue reading “Timbo Talks About Where Ideas Come From”Words have power. Well, they did… but most words are now impotent or at worst, lifeless. We have overused, abused, and rendered them powerless.
Continue reading “The Gods Will Not Reward You Without Sacrifice”Creative people are a big problem for business.
Continue reading “You Don’t Need to Teach Birds to Fly”