What a time to be alive! Our industrialised society appears to be on its knees. Economic, political, and environmental crises jostle with each other to deliver a fatal blow.
Continue reading “Focus in the Age of Distraction by Jane Piper”Writer ✏ Editor 👓 Photographer 📷
What a time to be alive! Our industrialised society appears to be on its knees. Economic, political, and environmental crises jostle with each other to deliver a fatal blow.
Continue reading “Focus in the Age of Distraction by Jane Piper”The world is drowning in bullshit. Unfortunately, those of us who are paid to write are contributing to the problem.
Continue reading “Writing Without Bullshit by Josh Bernoff”My paperback copy of The Lucifer Principle by Howard Bloom is dog-eared and feral. This is appropriate for a book with a savage bite.
Continue reading “The Lucifer Principle by Howard Bloom”I love fungus. What other organism enables you to be a farmer with only a plastic bucket, spent coffee grounds, and leftover Weet-Bix?
Continue reading “Mushrooms – The Gift That Keeps on Giving”I recorded this episode of ‘Timbo Talks’ after I finished curating my 45-hour long 1990s Spotify playlist.
Continue reading “Curate Your Own Museum”If you’ve read my blog, you know I take cold showers to keep me invigorated. Of equal power to a cold shower is a raw, unfiltered conversation with a thoughtful human. Much better than coffee or other stimulants!
Continue reading “Tim and Mark’s Raw Conversation”Motivation is a sugar rush for me. After I read about someone’s impressive achievement, I am suddenly abuzz with the idea I could be impressive too.
Continue reading “Curiosity Is Superior to Motivation”Who is better placed to make an emotional connection with a human being – a logo or a person?
Continue reading “Effective Thought Leadership Comes from Humans (Not Robots)”Lone wolves – people who prefer to act alone – are often accused of selfishness and self-promotion. I wolfsplain in my new podcast episode why this is plain wrong.
Continue reading “Are Lone Wolves Really So Bad?”Motivation is not what it’s cracked up to be. Especially for a self-confessed lazy person like myself. Curiosity is a lot more potent and it will take you much further. More in my new podcast episode.
Continue reading “Motivation Only Takes You So Far”