Deep thoughts visit me when I stand at the kitchen sink and wash dishes.
Continue reading “The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand”Under the Black Flag by David Cordingly
We all have a price. Each of us can be persuaded to compromise our sense of right or wrong if a reasonable sum of money or dream job is offered to us.
Continue reading “Under the Black Flag by David Cordingly”Focus in the Age of Distraction by Jane Piper
What a time to be alive! Our industrialised society appears to be on its knees. Economic, political, and environmental crises jostle with each other to deliver a fatal blow.
Continue reading “Focus in the Age of Distraction by Jane Piper”Writing Without Bullshit by Josh Bernoff
The world is drowning in bullshit. Unfortunately, those of us who are paid to write are contributing to the problem.
Continue reading “Writing Without Bullshit by Josh Bernoff”When You Have A Creative Mind, You Are Never Bored
“When you have a creative mind, you are never bored.” My podcast guest, Oscar Venhuis dropped that gem in our conversation. Oscar is the CEO of EQ Lab in Hong Kong and he is deeply interested in “extending the intelligence” of organizations.
Continue reading “When You Have A Creative Mind, You Are Never Bored”